Tapping into Peace

During this workshop we will learn how to quickly identify core reasons for our excessive stress and anxiety. We will use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to experience peace and calm, instead of pressure and strain - even when under 'attack'. You will be guided to notice when and how you latch on to sources of stress. Then you’ll be offered methods to un-latch from the sources, and learn to redirect your emotions and thoughts toward ‘what you want to see instead. Together, with Pure Positive Energy we will practice Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) a.k.a Tapping. EFT offers a simple method to clear our body’s natural energy system. It’s a process of tapping, with the finger tips, on the surface of the skin clearing the energy pathways, while tuning into specific issues and reciting specific words. Imagine being from stress, anxiety, overwhelm and more!

I feel this workshop will generate extraordinary benefits for all attendees. EFT is a very flexible process and thus this workshop represents my views and not necessarily the complete, standardized training offered at http://www.emofree.com/.  You are encouraged to visit this web site for a wealth of information and for a FREE EFT Manual.