Clarify and Manifest Your Soul Potential ~ Intensive Two-Day Workshop

Dates:  Fri. Mar, 11 and Sat. Mar. 12, 2011 (both days)
at The Lounge in Three Rivers, CA ~ Entrance to Sequoia National Park
42854 Sierra Drive
10:00am - 3:30pm both days
Tuition: $255 (See options for savings below)

Have you ever wondered about your own destiny? Wondered what your life’s purpose really is? This weekend seminar with Kay Packard, Advanced Hand Analyst and Life Guide, with show you just that!!! Using varied techniques such as Hand Analysis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Guided Visualization, Kay will help you discover yourself at a profoundly deep level. This workshop only takes a weekend and the results will last a lifetime!!!

What to Anticipate:

- Hand Analysis to decode your life’s purpose and personal challenges

- Creating a “life map” in order to live fully and completely

- An understanding of your relationship preferences, through understanding your Heart Line compatabilites
- EFT to remove life’s “blocks and barriers”

- Guided Visualization encourage success, confidence, abundance and prosperity

- So much more!

This is an incredible opportunity to invest in your self, in human understanding and in your own life purpose. This workshop will benefit you personally and professionally, giving you the tools you need to change your life forever. Knowing what you’re here to do is one thing, possessing the ability to make it happen is another.

Still not sure this is right for you? If you answer yes to any of the questions below, you are ready to change your life.

Have you ever wanted to:

- Develop your intuition and spirituality, further enriching your life?

- Awaken to a higher consciousness and transform your self from the inside?

- Examine your self with brutal honesty and get rid of limiting and negative thought patterns?

- Open your mind to new ways or thinking and believe you can live the life you want to?

- Be able to love and accept your self completely?

We dedicate our time each and every day, year after year to our work, children, spouses, families and friends. Isn’t it time to take a weekend and dedicate it to you?

Date: Fri. Mar. 11 and Sat. Mar. 12, 2011 (both days)

Tuition: $235 (bring a friend for $75) sign up and pay in full by Feb. 27 and save $50

Lunch included *free* from Sierra Subs in Three Rivers

For more information and to register call Kay directly at 559-561-4490 or email Seats are limited so please reserve early!

Are you a coach, therapist, counselor, educator, healer, mediator, organizational development or Team Building specialist? You can apply what you learn this weekend to assist your clients in illuminating their unique talents and core purpose.

For more info and photos click here