Become Smoke Free Easily

If you or a friend have been wanting to quit or reduce the use of tobacco and are ready to get serious about it join in this series of 3 - 2 hour workshops. Come learn about and experience the tapping technique for reducing cravings for cigarettes and chew. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a quick, reliable, painless and natural process to reduce and often times eliminate cravings, habits and addictions. The body's energy system operates like the flow of a river. Logs, boulders and debris clog and block the flow of a river. Likewise, negative emotions disrupt the body's electrical system. Together we'll address the blocks and barriers to quitting tobacco and 'tap' them out. We'll also identify core reasons for your use of tobacco, address eliminating those reasons, affirm your decision to reduce or quit, then reinforce with hypnosis.

I feel this workshop will generate extraordinary benefits for all attendees. EFT is a very flexible process and thus this workshop represents my views, as a facilitator, and not necessarily the complete, standardized training offered at  You are encouraged to review this web site for a wealth of information and testimonials fo the powerful effects of EFT.  You'll also find a FREE EFT Manual that you can download or simply view on line. 

Another option: If you're really ready to committ to release the hold of tobacco consider enrolling in a one on one coaching program with Kay. Three (3) or Five (5) 1.5 hour personal and private sessions using EFT.

♥ Clarify your desires and goals
♥ Resource to quickly uncover the causes for not being at your goal now
♥ Emotional Freedom Techniques to tap out the limiting thoughts and beliefs holding you back
♥ Incorporate your life purpose and life lessons based on your fingerprint patterns
♥ Development and use of personal positive affirmations
♥ Self hypnosis scripts
♥ Personally guided visualizations
♥ Free relaxation CD by Kay
♥ Free personalized CD recording to support your goal by Kay
♥ Specialized homework assignments for you
♥ Loving and insightful support on your journey
♥ Free 15 minute check in phone calls between each appointment unless we take that time during a session
♥ And so much more….